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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Networking and professional development is in the MBX – the MBA Experience!

In the month of July you will have an opportunity to participate in a unique event, with lots of networking and professional and personal development! The MBX – the MBA Experience is the largest meeting of the MBA USP/Esalq community and brings together brands, students, professors, professionals and advisors from different places in the world and from the most diverse areas of action in one place.

The event has essential contents that will provide you with relevant experiences for your career. The MBX is fundamental for all who seek professional evolution! You will have access to lectures, workshops and practical learning directed by renowned experts in the market.

Learn more about the MBX – the MBA Experience

The MBX – the MBA Experience happens every year with the objective of transmitting knowledge and experiences to the participants through relevant content, lots of networking and interactions between the members.

Besides, this is a very important moment for the students of the MBA USP/Esalq, because it is in the MBX that the students perform the last test of the graduate course and present their Final Paper (TCC).

Since 2020, the event happened online due to the necessary security measures during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, this year, we will return with the in-person edition in Piracicaba, located in the state of São Paulo!

Besides all the experience through contents, insights and learning in practice, the MBX will take you to see the campus of Esalq/USP and the studios where the MBA classes are recorded. We will also guide you through a sight-seeing tour of the city!

And, to end the day, we prepared an animated happy hour with food trucks and a live band for you to relax and have fun with the new friendships you made in the event!

Read more: MBX Experience: more than a final paper presentation event!

Check out the program for the event

The MBX – the MBA Experience will take place on July 15, 2023, in Piracicaba – São Paulo. Check out the complete program of the event:

  • Welcome: Accreditation and Breakfast – 07:00
  • Opening – 08:00
  • Magna Opening lecture – 08:30
  • Lecture “Troublemaker Spirit: the difficult task of going against the crowd” with André Foresti – 09:20
  • Opening of the meeting places for classes – 10:00
  • Coffee Break + Information – 10:20
  • Tour – 10:30
  • Workshop “Connecting Your Talents with Your Purpose in Life” with Carol Shinoda and Gino Terentim – 10:30
  • Lunch – 12:30
  • Tour – 13:30
  • Lecture “When artificial intelligence meets human intelligence” with Gil Giardelli – 14:00
  • Coffee Break – 14:50
  • Playful experience “THE BRIDGE – Nothing is impossible when working in a team” with Eagles Flights – 15:00
  • Happy Hour – 17:00

*All times are in BRT : UTC-3

Take advantage of the MBX – the MBA Experience to do lots of networking and improve your career.

What is the difference between the tickets?

For you to take advantage of the event in the best possible way, we created three types of ticket that allow everyone to participate. Check out the difference between each of them:

  • Ticket for Students and MBA USP/Esalq alumni: This ticket is specifically intended for the students and former students of the MBA USP/Esalq and allows access to the meeting place for classes, the content rooms, the gastronomic festival and participation in the experiences of the brands exhibiting. The complete tour of Esalq, the studios of the MBA USP/Esalq and the sights of Piracicaba are also included in this ticket, as well as two free coffee breaks. Finally, the participants will receive a certificate of participation and a kit that will be delivered at the moment of the accreditation. Lunch and drinks for the happy hour closure are not included in the price of registration, but will be available for purchase on site.
  • Ticket for non students MBA USP/Esalq: This ticket is intended for all interested in participating in the event, but that have no link with the MBA USP/Esalq Ticket for non-students provides the same benefits as the ticket for students and alumni.
  • MBX Happy Hour: This ticket is ideal for those who want to participate only in the festival. In this case, it is not possible to access any of the other activities promoted during the event.

Enjoy this immersion!

Take advantage of this opportunity to participate in an event that provides unique experiences and great professional and personal development! Don’t miss the chance to do lots of networking and meet your professors and classmates.

Ensure your ticket right now, clicking here, and take advantage of this immersion to improve your knowledge and skills. We are waiting for you!

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Monique Gremes
Monique Gremes
Publicitária, apaixonada por comunicação, natureza, gatos e viagens. Amo aprender algo novo e colocar em prática todo o meu conhecimento. Me encontrei na área do marketing e escrever conteúdos ocupa um espaço grande em meu coração. Meu propósito é colaborar para que vivamos em um mundo melhor e acredito que não há forma mais poderosa do que viabilizar e espalhar o conhecimento por meio da escrita.