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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Financial problems? Planning can be the solution!

If you feel stagnated due to a wave of financial problems that prevents you from seeing an exit to invest in your future, know that you are not alone. Mostly with the pandemic of Covid-19, many people have felt a negative impact in their financial lives, such as debt and increased expenses.

This panorama was observed in a recent research developed by Serasa (Experian Serasa, a Brazilian credit research company) in partnership with Opinion Box, a company specialized in online market research, where 63% of the people interviewed said increased expenses due to the pandemic. The study points out that the search for alternatives to maintain the the financial sheet balanced increased, mainly through reduced unnecessary expenses and greater financial planning.

Still according to the research, the pandemic generated impacts in people’s pockets in different ways and interfered significantly in their interpersonal relationships, financial management and vision of the future. In this article, you check out how some habits contribute to the emergence of financial problems and what are the benefits of the management of your money focused on investments in your future.

Read more: How does the MBA USP/Esalq work?

Habits to avoid

It is important to highlight that some errors and inadequate behaviors in the management of your money can result in financial problems. An article published by professor Elisson de Andrade, master and doctor in Applied Economics by Esalq/USP, brings a list of habits that can result in a situation of financial “stress”, if performed together. Check out some of them:

  • Spending more money than one earns;
  • Taking out loans frequently;
  • Not having an emergency fund for unexpected situations;
  • Not paying your bills before the due date;
  • Counting on your next wage to pay current debts;
  • Resorting to loans within the company or obtaining credit through financial institutions, to pay daily expenses;
  • Not saving money for a complementary retirement plan;
  • Losing money in frauds or scams.

A good way to avoid these situations is to do a realistic management of resources and expenses, with the determination of priorities and cuts of unnecessary expenses. Especially in moments of crisis, it is good to review your financial planning and understand how to adapt it to your reality.

Organize your habits and avoid financial problems!

Benefits of financial planning

Financial planning is the process of achieving life goals through adequate management of monetary resources, according to the Brazilian Association of Financial Planners – Planejar. According to the institution, the process of financial planning helps you have a comprehensive vision of your finances, to determine where you are now, where you would like to be in the future and what you should do to achieve your goals. According to the association, the benefits of this management are:

  • Providing a more balanced life;
  • Helping to achieve your dreams and objectives;
  • Not letting you have that doubt about where did the money go at the end of the month;
  • Helping to cut unnecessary expenses;
  • Avoiding interest and debts;
  • Being able to plan and save money;
  • Having less stress.

This management of your money provides you a clearer perception about your future. This is because, with the pandemic, there was an increase of concern with financial and professional life, according to the research of Serasa mentioned earlier.

Investing in the professional is possible and can help you escape future financial problems!

Investment in the future

After being able to better visualize your expenses and plan your financial life, it is easier to see new possibilities, such as investment in professional qualifications. Defining investment in education as one of your priorities is a great way to achieve better places in the job market and having more conditions to escape future financial problems. The MBA USP/Esalq is a great investment in your professional future, because it has distance modality courses, with USP certificates, and that provides you with greater flexibility of schedules and allow you to study wherever you are. Take this leap into faith and enroll!

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Letícia Santin
Letícia Santin
Jornalista, gosto de leituras que me cativem e de aprender de tudo um pouco. Minhas experiências profissionais com comunicação me fizeram apreciar a transmissão de conhecimentos e ideias de uma forma descomplicada e acessível. No meu tempo livre, gosto de fazer maratonas de filmes e séries, meditar, desenhar e cozinhar.