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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Do you know how to avoid the emotional exhaustion generated by Burnout?

Burnout was a very well-known term in the corporate environment. With issues such as the quality of life of the worker and organizational culture itself, many companies already looked after their employees so they did not reach exhaustion. However, something changed.

Since 2020, people have become more intimate of the term. Yes, the pandemic was the main culprit. With more homely routines, economic crisis and anxiety to know if we are going to normalize the situation this year, it is easy to understand why.

The also called professional exhaustion syndrome started to steal the spotlight after many health professionals being affected. With the increased volume of work and collapse in the health system, the overload soon happened.

Of course, it didn’t just stay there. The excess of emotional tension, work, charges and stress appeared in all sectors of the market. The “glamourization” of productivity contributes to make people workaholics, even against their will. Add this to the lack of personal and professional accomplishments and we already know where this is going

This whole scenario leaves us only one question: will Burnout syndrome remain as another 21st century disease?

No, unless you let it.

It’s simple. The cause of Burnout is directly linked to overwork, exhausting situations of competitiveness or responsibility and the consumption of negative information. Those who suffer from Burnout can develop other psychological diseases, such as depression and anxiety.

Unfortunately, there are no simple ways of processing or “overcoming” a crisis that was caused by Burnout. The main advice is looking for specialized help, because each person has their individualities.

Other tips are directly linked to tasks that are good for quality of life, but that are usually forgotten.

Here’s some habits to adopt while we are still in 2021 and understand how they can help against the Burnout triggers.

Meditation and stretching

Meditation is always recommended to relieve heavy and stressful routines. It has been proved that this practice was stablished as a method for people who are suffering from some exhaustion, including Burnout Syndrome. Not wihtout reason, companies started to hire mindfulness, stretching and breathing trainings.

To begin, just put in your day a pause of at least three minutes. Try to breathe consciously, paying attention to the air that comes in and out. If you want to do it during work, make circular movements with your shoulders and move your head from one side to the other.


Exercising involves concentration and this can be extremely useful in managing stress and minimizing the effects of Burnout. Yoga, dance or boxing, it doesn’t matter, move your body somehow, especially when you wake up, it will release endorphins.

This hormone is responsible for making you feel well for the rest of the day, besides reducing anxiety. Going beyond, add movement to your routine, walking while making calls, climbing stairs or doing short movements of five minutes, at least.


Lending yourself to the hurry and not taking pauses, not even for lunch, it is a great mistake of self-care. It is important to remember that the work will still be there, no matter your effort. We are so worried about our financial and professional stability, that we forget the quality of our mental health.

Take some time and prioritize yourself if you are going through episodes of Burnout. Place yourself as the center of your attention before you think of having energy to take care of others and their work.

Pleasant activities

Never ignore those activities that give you pleasure. Those are the ones that lift your spirit after a bad day. When we put aside a hobby we like very much or our little pleasures, we deprive ourselves of self-care and having enough quality of life.

To feel good, do what makes you well. Listen to your favorite artist or music, read your book of the month, write a journal listing your emotions, eat some of your favorite sweet or anything that will make you genuinely happy.


It is important to have a time to connect and interact with loved ones. Don’t talk about work – unless it’s to vent about something, of course.

Having reliable people to talk really improves the way you deal with problems, even without receiving any advice in return. To avoid Burnout, it is necessary to have true connections, which are the point of support in the most difficult moments.

Work is not the same as life

If you don’t recognize this statement, then it is very likely that your path is turned to Burnout. The more we value work as if it were our life, and not part of it, the more we think that the pleasure of living is summed up only to success in work.

Forget the mantras of becoming irreplaceable and become part of a team. The more attachment we have to be necessary and requested in work, the less personal life we have. You definitely cannot be your work and it cannot steal the space of your family, leisure and fun.

Want more people to know how to deal with Burnout? Comment on your experience and share this text with your network of contacts!


Acacio Junior
Acacio Junior
Husband, Christian, in love with life and good friendships. A long journey until here made possible my integration on the Communication world, and now I venture into production of written contents and, honestly, I could not be happier. Currently, I found myself in the scripts and the daily learnings in a world full of stories I hope to discover.