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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

6 tips to save money in trips once and for all

Traveling is something very desired by the vast majority of people. Many people spend a lot of time planning to get everything go as planned. However, due to the high cost and investment necessary, it is common that these get aways become rare and happen few times in the year. So, check out the best tips for you to save money in trips in this matter!

Check out below 6 ways to take advantage of a comfortable, memorable, amazing trip and without spending much, so you can live this moment more often!

Buy cheaper tickets

Plane tickets are something that can make a trip more expensive. So, do a lot of research before buying and getting it 3 months in advance.

To buy cheaper tickets, you can use price comparators like Skyscanner, Google Flights and Kayak. Their function is to present an analysis of the best prices and moments of purchase of your tickets.

Save money in your stay

Did you know that you can spend less money in a hostel if you choose 2 and 3 star hostels or hotels? Websites like are ideal for you to search cheaper stays but that still have a lot of quality! Using Airbnb in these cases is also a great option.

Read more: 5 essential tips for your trip to Brazil!

Have meals without paying a lot

To save money in food, you can go to local restaurants that offer ready to eat meals  and, if your budget is a little tighter, buy ingredients at markets and prepare your own meal!

Search in Google Maps or Tripadvisor the reviews of restaurants close to you and choose the best one.

Travel during low season

If there is a chance to travel any time of the year, the best choice is to travel during low season! This is because the prices of food, stay and plane ticket are much cheaper and, of course, the sights are usually less full.

You will be able to enjoy your trip more calmly and cheaply.

Search about the attractions

It is very common that tourists add to their itineraries museums and other attractions that are usually paid. However, did you know that several of them have weekdays and special schedules in which the entry is free?

You just need to search the official websites of the attractions or in travel forums to know if the locations you want to visit have this type of dynamic. With this, you can save money in more costs of your trip. Which lead us to the next tip…

Search about the city you are visiting and the sights to save money in your trip!

Buy the sightseeing tickets before boarding

Buying tickets for many attractions at once is something that can make you save a lot of money, because several locations offer discounts for those who buy the tickets in advance.

In addition, sometimes, you can pay in your local currency and by installments without interest in the credit card. But be careful: search only the official websites of each attraction or authorized websites to avoid problems or trickery.

Bonus: Use the local transportation!

The cost with locomotion is one of the biggest costs during a trip, because many people end up choosing private transport, such as car and taxi apps, for example.

So, one of the best ways to decrease this expense, is using local public transport. Many cities and countries around the world have apps that facilitate this type of transportation. Besides saving money, you will be able to live the experience of the local residents who always use the same means of transport, something that will be engraved in your memory.

Enjoy your trip!

After following our tips, you will be able to enjoy an amazing trip spending little money. Start planning your next travel today and have fun!


Monique Gremes
Monique Gremes
Publicitária, apaixonada por comunicação, natureza, gatos e viagens. Amo aprender algo novo e colocar em prática todo o meu conhecimento. Me encontrei na área do marketing e escrever conteúdos ocupa um espaço grande em meu coração. Meu propósito é colaborar para que vivamos em um mundo melhor e acredito que não há forma mais poderosa do que viabilizar e espalhar o conhecimento por meio da escrita.