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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

MBX Experience: more than a final paper presentation event!

The MBX Experience is coming and, at the height of the knowledge and information age, nothing better than an event full of networking to share knowledge and provide a constant learning experience. Are you interested? Then check out more information about what is to come in the next months!

The event

MBX Experience welcomes people who live in constant transformation and seek to develop themselves personally and professionally. This way, the event, which is free and currently 100% digital, has lectures and debate panels, taught by large personalities who have already embraced the transformation in their lives and, today, can guide other professionals to the same goal.

Of course, the event has international reach and you can also participate, have contact with people from around the world, get to know several professionals and dive into the networking!

Check out the dates and times of the next MBX Experience:

  • 11/23: from 9am to 5pm (BRT | UTC-3)
  • 11/24, 25 and 26: from 6pm to 10pm (BRT | UTC-3)

Soon, we will disclose the complete program, right here at Blog MBA USP/Esalq or in the social networks of the MBA USP/Esalq. Follow us!

A special moment

As if the fact that MBX Experience has a number of attractions that will lead you to a real immersion in the ‘world of knowledge’ wasn’t enough, the event is also a very important moment in the lives of some MBA USP/Esalq students.

This is because, during the event, the students finishing their graduate courses will go through the last two mandatory steps of their journey: the final test and the presentation of their Final Paper (TCC).

Thus, the MBX, which is a window of opportunity for people to know each other and share knowledge, is also the perfect opportunity for students to celebrate this achievement that is so important to their lives and careers. It’s all that and a bag of chips, right?

The current scenario

To conclude, we need to make it clear that, until 2019, this event used to take place in person in Piracicaba/SP, at USP/Esalq. The event has welcomed more than 6,000 participants, in a climate of great joy and relaxation.

With the pandemic, the virtual model was adopted and new discussions have opened up about the need for transformation and search for development. Currently, the event works online, but our expectations for 2022 are of a hybrid event (in person and online) as a new and real possibility.

Now that you know that the MBX Experience is coming, you can already prepare to participate with us and take advantage of this opportunity for personal and professional growth. Sign up today!


Acacio Junior
Acacio Junior
Husband, Christian, in love with life and good friendships. A long journey until here made possible my integration on the Communication world, and now I venture into production of written contents and, honestly, I could not be happier. Currently, I found myself in the scripts and the daily learnings in a world full of stories I hope to discover.