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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

7 video marketing tips to use now

If the predictions had already pointed out video marketing as one of the main trends of 2020, the guidelines of social distancing as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic only confirmed the power of this content format.

Indeed, our consumption of audiovisual products has increased. Certainly, in the last months, you have participated in at least one of these activities: lives, distance education classes, work meetings or even that happy hour with friends. The obvious conclusion is that video still is the media that most resembles a personal physical contact.

Those who already were adept of video marketing expanded the possibilities of their content consumption, but also saw their competitors grow in this segment, since they started investing more heavily in this media. Therefore, it is good to pay attention: the engagement of videos can be impaired by the saturation of the market.

It is also worth remembering that the use of video in strategies of attraction and customer retention is considered video marketing. So, if you want to be prepared and under the spotlight, check out these seven tips on the theme!

Customization of video marketing

People are getting more and more delighted by customized content. And thanks to some tools of automation and artificial intelligence, for some years now, it is possible to customize videos with texts and images.

A good example are the commemorative videos that Facebook offers to celebrate the anniversary of friendships on the social network or the ‘year in review’. The base is the same for all users, but the photos and names of people are fit according to your own profile.

Customization allows the construction of a relationship between the brand and the public, with adapted experiences that make them feel like one in a million.


Can you imagine giving your public the power to decide what information they want to see in a video marketing? This already is partially possible with the options of virtual and augmented reality.

With these technologies it’s possible to visit places before deciding on a trip or trying products virtually before buying them. And they can be both of personal use, like glasses, or objects to decor rooms, like couches.

Companies can use these tools to present new facilities, products and services and even work on their brand persona.

A great trend in the area is that, soon, users will be able to click on any object of the video to learn more about it and even buy it, like the necklace used by a show hostess, for example.

Video marketing and Data

If you work with marketing or social media, you probably know there is no more room for guesses and hunches. Data helps to see the best direction and influences the decision making when the subject is video marketing.

After all, knowing the public well, knowing in which platforms your content is more consumed, sending the message at the right moment and choosing the best theme is only possible with the help of a good evaluation about stakeholders (people interested and participating in your strategy, like customers themselves, employees, suppliers and all teams related to the product or service).

Video length

For a long time, shorter productions were booming, after all no one has patience or time for long videos. Although easier to consume, short videos can’t be so informative and detailed, they don’t even create emotional connection.

So, if you have quality content, the longer video marketing helps keep the interest of people in what your company has to say and they end up getting more susceptible to developing a relationship with the brand.

With more video time it’s possible to tell stories, educate the public about the product or brand values and present people and real experiences. Besides a good content, it is also interesting to invest in some movie techniques to make video marketing more engaging and attractive.

User content

As said in the item above, real people and experiences matter to customers and users. Another person’s recommendation has more credibility than the own brand talking about it.

Therefore, it is interesting to combine the content of your company with the presence of users in video marketing. They can be created both in partnership or only by the user, who can do a review or unboxing of the product.

SEO for video marketing

Research mechanisms are becoming smarter every day. Proof of this is voice search, which has everything to do with video marketing (an audiovisual product) and has grown a lot with the popularization of virtual personal assistants.

A few years ago, Google started to show videos on the results page of a given search. Youtube is also gaining strength as a search platform. Therefore, it is worth investing in optimization and insertion of keywords in the title and video description, current tags, subtitles and other good SEO practices.

No sound

Do you remember when Facebook launched the auto play resource? Videos ran automatically and muted on the platform as the user went through their timeline. With this, soundless videos gained prominence to avoid embarrassment in public places, for example, and the user needed to turn on the sound of the video if he wanted to.

It seems that the fad stuck and a lot of people choose to watch videos without sound on other platforms, like Instagram. So, the use of subtitles (also an accessibility resource) has gained space, becoming a standard for social media. But it is still possible to go beyond.

Images and infographics are also great allies that allow the understanding of the message without the need to turn on the sound.

Bonus: Don’t forget to adapt the format for each social media and use other resources like hyperlapse – a photo technique for video marketing.

If you liked the tips on video marketing, leave us a comment! This way we can bring more content on the theme!


Marina Petrocelli
Marina Petrocelli
Over 12 years have passed since my first experience with Social Communication. My first professional years were dedicated to the routines of redactions with no or little digital relevance. Plural journalism was resumed in investigating facts, write a piece and guarantee an expressive picture. The first sign of change came with the proposal of changing realities and experimenting a different way of producing. From then on, the specificities of the marketing universe became permanent. Oh! I’ve also graduated in Law School (passing the bar exam and all). But not everything is comprised tom y professional skills. As a content producer, I’m interested in good stories, from real people or series, movies and books, specially dystopias. I like to draw up travel plans and identify stars and constellations on a cell phone app. Museums, music and art in general grab my attention, as well as pop culture. O primeiro sinal de mudança veio com a proposta para mudar de realidade e experimentar um formato diferente de produzir. Daí pra frente, as particularidades do universo do marketing se tornaram permanentes. Ah! Também me formei em Direito (com inscrição na OAB e tudo). Mas nem tudo se resume às minhas habilidades profissionais. Como produtora de conteúdo, me interesso por boas histórias, de pessoas reais ou em séries, filmes e livros, especialmente distopias. Gosto de montar roteiros de viagens e reconhecer estrelas e constelações em um aplicativo no celular. Museus, música e arte no geral chamam minha atenção, assim como cultura pop.