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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

5 reasons to study at the MBA USP/Esalq and start right away!

The year is almost halfway over and you’re still looking for reasons to do an MBA? Watch out and don’t get left behind! But if you know the moment has come, then the good news is that you can still start in this first semester!

The MBA USP/Esalq is in its last days of registration for four graduate courses, which put you in touch with a new world of learning and discoveries, gathering what is the most current in the market. This, of course, besides the immersive environment of networking, the renowned professors and more!

In this article, you will discover 5 main reasons to study at the MBA USP/Esalq and start right away! Check it out!

Study from wherever you are

It is a fact that digital models have gained their space, especially with the rapid advances of the last two years. Today, remote work and virtual classes are already part of our reality and are valuable resources.

In the case of the MBA USP/Esalq, it has been over 10 years acting in the online universe and gathering all the tools to create the best 100% digital experience to the students. With online and live classes, you can do your MBA from anywhere in the world.

Besides, during classes, students can interact between themselves, with their mediators and professors, when discussing the themes of classes and other relevant subjects.

In time: if you miss the live classes, don’t worry! All the contents are recorded and made available in the MBA USP/Esalq academic system throughout the course.

Up-to-date content

Woman sits at a table while watching someone on her computer screen and writing something on her notebook.
There are many reasons why you should start an MBA but only you can take the leap.

With a world in constant evolution, it is necessary to be tuned to the processes and techniques that, consequently, continue to evolve more and more.

Each semester, the contents of the MBA USP/Esalq classes are reviewed and, when necessary, updated. All to ensure that students have access to the latest in the market.

Besides the classes, you also have frequent access to lectures that deal with current themes such as insights and trends in the market and its future.

Renowned professors

The team of the MBA USP/Esalq is composed of professors and experts from USP itself, who are available to the students during the graduate course.

Whether during classes or even in the daily life, our professors remain accessible so that you can contact them to ask questions and exchange experiences.

Coursemothers and Coursefathers

To ensure the best experience during your journey, we have a team that follows up on you all the time during the graduate course.

The coursemothers and coursefathers are responsible for answering questions (general and specific, such as doubts related to the Final paper) and supporting the students in whatever it is necessary. Everything to make your journey as light and easy as possible.


One of the main reasons that make the MBA USP/Esalq the best choice for you is networking. As we have seen, our students are professionals from different areas and places in the world. So, with the possibilities of interaction during classes, you have access to an environment full of networking.

This way, support among the students is common, which generates opportunities for personal and professional growth, besides allowing you to know other areas and visions of the market.

USP Certificate

The so dreamed award at the end of the journey. The USP Certificate is the guarantee that you chose the best graduate in Latin America and it is through it that you take the USP name wherever you go.

With an MBA USP/Esalq in the curriculum, you can stand out in the job market and conquer your personal and professional objectives.

Can you believe it? There are plenty of reasons to do an MBA! Take this leap of trust for your future and enroll now!


Caio Roberto
Caio Roberto
Jornalista e amante de história, línguas estrangeiras, cinema, literatura e videogames. Utilizo minha curiosidade natural e minha facilidade de me comunicar para descobrir mais sobre o mundo e tentar passar isso adiante. Acredito que nasci para contar histórias, independente da história, da mídia em que ela será contada e do meu papel nela.