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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Career and networking: Does your professional life need contacts? Do an MBA USP/Esalq!

Great opportunities can come from good contacts. So, career and networking are concepts that go together and contribute to your development journey. And there is no better place to improve your network of contacts than a graduate course. The MBA USP/Esalq knows this and invests in this differential to offer a complete and relevant experience for the future of the students.

An example of this is Tatiana Moreira Hojaij, commercial supervisor at Sodexo and an MBA USP/Esalq in Digital Business student, who explains, in this article, how career and networking have been even more mixed together in your life.

Read more: Networking in the MBA USP/Esalq: take maximum advantage of your graduate course!

Networking in practice!

Whatever your profession or position, networking is fundamental when we think about career. Tatiana proves this statement by telling a little bit of her experience in the graduate course.

“By choosing to do the MBA USP/Esalq, besides having access to all the didactic content and renowned professors full of knowledge (superimportant factors in the decision), I have the opportunity to be with people from several localities and with different professional positions and roles, inn different levels of education. This, for me, is essential.”

This means that, even with the world going through a pandemic like we have never seen, she continued to relate to professionals from all over the country (and even other localities). “We started the course during the pandemic, but the live and online classes and the participation of the students allow the exchange of professional experiences, regardless of the distance orientations”, explains Tatiana.

Read more: 5 reasons to study at the MBA USP/Esalq and start right away!

Meetings during class breaks

To improve the relationship between career and networking, the MBA USP/Esalq allows the interaction between students and professors through the chat, conducted by mediators of the live classes. However, during the breaks, an entire team works together to gather more and more students and intensify networking in exclusive moments for it.

“There are two breaks per class, which gives everyone the opportunity to talk and get to know each other, and we end up talking to people from other countries and localities. It is a very full moment, with the presence of different cultures, professional challenges and universes”, he says.

Networking impact in career

According to Tatiana, all the effort of the team reflects directly in the development of the students, especially due to the moments of exchanges, experiences and explanations with professors of each subject.

“It is very nice, the way everything is conducted, because the class ends up getting together, so that everyone cares about everyone. We seek to understand the main challenges and difficulties of other colleagues and, so, we end up collecting several successful cases, but also of people who failed and help us avoid the same mistakes”, says the student.

On the initiative of the students themselves, they also end up interacting outside the classroom and the tools offered by the MBA USP/Esalq, in groups in Linkedin, WhatsApp and Telegram, for example.

When the subject is career and networking, in the MBA USP/Esalq you enjoy the best of both worlds.

Read more: Is the MBA USP/Esalq certificate internationally validated?

Career and networking: to go beyond!

If you believe that career and networking are terms that can transform the professional aspects of your life, you will like to know that this interaction among the students of the MBA USP/Esalq goes much beyond.

Tatiana uses her own experience to exemplify how networking is present in her journey:

“Besides the moments during breaks and, as we always have these opportunities to interact with each other, we can communicate very well (especially in social networks) and in a frequent way. We continue to talk weekly and, furthermore, some people who live in the same city meet to exchange experiences in person”, she concludes.

Do you still have doubts whereas joining career and networking can be a good deal? Here in the MBA USP/Esalq you can find all this and more. And the moment to start your learning journey is now. Enroll now!

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Acacio Junior
Acacio Junior
Husband, Christian, in love with life and good friendships. A long journey until here made possible my integration on the Communication world, and now I venture into production of written contents and, honestly, I could not be happier. Currently, I found myself in the scripts and the daily learnings in a world full of stories I hope to discover.