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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

5 movies about well handled issues

Full of ups and downs, life is always represented in fiction. Among the most popular movies, there’s no doubt that characters that can overcome difficulties and reverse a situation, whether they be related just to their personal universe or to those of other people, will always be impacting. 

Bellow, we recommend five movies for those who like to watch conflict resolution with great life changes. 

Jerry Maguire 

Charming, exciting and moving, this movie shows us a great sports agent that, in a world infested with suits and ties – that only care about their own success and money -, can see values more important than victory. The main one? Ethics. 

It’s precisely being driven by ethics that the protagonist transforms himself drastically and changes the path of his life, of a client and of a new friend. 

The Blind Side 

Dreams are usually the main ingredient to give meaning to live and motivate a person or a group. In this story, a young black teenager wins a scholarship due to his talents in football. But this doesn’t stop him from suffering all kinds of prejudice. 

The only person to give him attention is another student at the institute, whom the teen befriends. The mother of this new friend also embraces the boys’ bond. This movie reminds us how it’s never too much to practice generosity and look to the whole – and not just to parts of it. 

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind 

In a nutshell, the main message of this movie is just one: strength! Whether it be to overcome hard situations or love the next, a dose of courage will always be necessary. 

Based on the memoir of William Kamkwamba, the movie follows the author when he was still a boy. At 13 years-old, he tries to save his village from the drought, planning a construction of a windmill to feed an electric water pump. 


Crisis at work and unemployment are some of the biggest concerns of the current world. With over 40 years of age, Carl Casper is fired from his job in a restaurant, what leaves him hopeless and unmotivated.  

Nonetheless, he tries to restart from the bottom, inspired by his son and finally sees himself doing what he loves the most. Even going through difficulties from the beginning of a business, he moves forward with the support from his family and his clients that, little by little, are wined over. 

A Good Year 

The history is quite simple: a businessman gets the news that his uncle has died, leaving him as the only heir. Predicting good business, he decides to do a quick trip to visit the property. But, once there, he sees that it won’t be so easy to sell the place that brings so many childhood memories.  

This drama comedy is light and worries about showing that, as much as someone has everything (or judges that they don’t have anything), happiness can only be achieved when we can change our parameters. 

Honorable mentions: Invictus, Moneyball, The Big Short and The Pursuit of Happiness. 

Which movies would you recommend for someone to inspire themselves and get themselves up back to the top? 


Marina Petrocelli
Marina Petrocelli
Over 12 years have passed since my first experience with Social Communication. My first professional years were dedicated to the routines of redactions with no or little digital relevance. Plural journalism was resumed in investigating facts, write a piece and guarantee an expressive picture. The first sign of change came with the proposal of changing realities and experimenting a different way of producing. From then on, the specificities of the marketing universe became permanent. Oh! I’ve also graduated in Law School (passing the bar exam and all). But not everything is comprised tom y professional skills. As a content producer, I’m interested in good stories, from real people or series, movies and books, specially dystopias. I like to draw up travel plans and identify stars and constellations on a cell phone app. Museums, music and art in general grab my attention, as well as pop culture. O primeiro sinal de mudança veio com a proposta para mudar de realidade e experimentar um formato diferente de produzir. Daí pra frente, as particularidades do universo do marketing se tornaram permanentes. Ah! Também me formei em Direito (com inscrição na OAB e tudo). Mas nem tudo se resume às minhas habilidades profissionais. Como produtora de conteúdo, me interesso por boas histórias, de pessoas reais ou em séries, filmes e livros, especialmente distopias. Gosto de montar roteiros de viagens e reconhecer estrelas e constelações em um aplicativo no celular. Museus, música e arte no geral chamam minha atenção, assim como cultura pop.