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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Get to know the MBA in Data Science and Analytics USP/Esalq

Those who seek excellence and are watching the market trends know that analysis and data treatment are essential to support decision-making. So, the MBA in Data Science and Analytics can be an important ally. Learn more about the course from the MBA USP/Esalq!

First impressions

The MBA in Data Science and Analytics USP/Esalq is a Lato sensu graduate course, linked to the University of São Paulo, in Brazil. This specialization lasts 18 months and is offered in the distance education modality.

To whom it is intended

Professionals of Human, Exact and Biomedical Sciences, who have an interest in acquiring or deepening their knowledge about Data Science, Analytics, Machine Learning, Big Data, AI, IoT, Deep Learning among other techniques and technologies, can take advantage of the course to its fullest. The idea is to empower professionals from the most diverse areas to continuously improve the decision-making process in organizational environments.


To register in the MBA in Data Science and Analytics, there is only one requirement: a diploma or certificate of completion of the higher education undergraduate course. Besides that, it is not necessary, for example, any type of previous knowledge in the area.

“The course aims to continuously explain and relate the hierarchy between data, information and knowledge. Data, when treated and analyzed, is transformed into information. Knowledge is generated when the information is recognized and applied in decision-making”, explains Luiz Paulo Fávero, coordinator of the MBA in Data Science and Analytics USP/Esalq.

“In this sense, the course empowers students to develop exploratory or predictive models, always with a focus on the generation of information aimed at the establishment of digital knowledge strategies, in the adaptation of organizational structures and processes, in the knowledge of emerging technologies and in decision-making.”

Fundamentals and codes

A great concern of the coordination of the MBA in Data Science and Analytics is to provide fundamentals before presenting codes. “We don’t want students to leave the course as robots, knowing only how to press a button”, says the professor.

Therefore, he highlights that the training of the Data Science professional by USP/Esalq is complete and is based on three pillars:

  • Correct dosage of the fundamentals of the techniques
  • Programming alongside implementation of routines and codes in specific software
  • Decision-making

Curricular program

To begin the MBA in Data Science and Analytics USP/Esalq with the right foot, the first classes help both the new students to build a general panorama about the theme and the students who have some basis to remember the main concepts.

Classes also cover content related to Data Science and Big Data in the business environment, supervised and unsupervised models of Machine Learning and trends in Data Science and Analytics.

Students will learn about digital transformation and industry 4.0, agile methodologies, IT and technological innovation, the decision-making process, AI, Data Mining, governance and data management, legislation, eco-innovation, Green Supply Chain, database structures, types of variables and measurement scales.

Clustering, factorial analysis and PCA and simple and multiple correspondence and regression, binary and multinomial logistic models, for counting and multilevel data, BI and DataViz, cloud computing, Deep Learning, operational research, cyber security, Analytics in investment management and Valuation of companies, decision models and risk management are also part of the course curriculum program.

To finish the MBA, students need to research and present a Final Paper.

Classes online and live

Students of the MBA in Data Science and Analytics can enjoy the flexibility that the USP/Esalq course provides. Online classes are live, with a lot of interaction between students and professors. They occur weekly on Tuesdays, from 7PM to 11PM (BRT – UTC-3).

However, this content remains recorded and students can watch at the time that is most convenient for them or review whatever they find interesting, until the end of the course.

Tests are also online and count as the student’s attendance in the course. They can be done within three weeks of the related class.

The future is now

Different scenarios already require professionals to have some skills that derive from our background and personal interests. Especially for Data Science professionals, Fávero highlights the importance of being always updated, as well as other skills that can make a difference in the professional life.

“Analytical and critical sense, strategic vision, entrepreneurship and communication are just some of the skills that are fundamental to differentiate professionals in the market”, he emphasizes.

If you have other questions, please contact us. We will be happy to help you with what you need!

Enroll now in the MBA in Data Science and Analytics USP/Esalq.


Marina Petrocelli
Marina Petrocelli
Over 12 years have passed since my first experience with Social Communication. My first professional years were dedicated to the routines of redactions with no or little digital relevance. Plural journalism was resumed in investigating facts, write a piece and guarantee an expressive picture. The first sign of change came with the proposal of changing realities and experimenting a different way of producing. From then on, the specificities of the marketing universe became permanent. Oh! I’ve also graduated in Law School (passing the bar exam and all). But not everything is comprised tom y professional skills. As a content producer, I’m interested in good stories, from real people or series, movies and books, specially dystopias. I like to draw up travel plans and identify stars and constellations on a cell phone app. Museums, music and art in general grab my attention, as well as pop culture. O primeiro sinal de mudança veio com a proposta para mudar de realidade e experimentar um formato diferente de produzir. Daí pra frente, as particularidades do universo do marketing se tornaram permanentes. Ah! Também me formei em Direito (com inscrição na OAB e tudo). Mas nem tudo se resume às minhas habilidades profissionais. Como produtora de conteúdo, me interesso por boas histórias, de pessoas reais ou em séries, filmes e livros, especialmente distopias. Gosto de montar roteiros de viagens e reconhecer estrelas e constelações em um aplicativo no celular. Museus, música e arte no geral chamam minha atenção, assim como cultura pop.