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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Learn more about the MBA in Agribusiness USP/Esalq

Are you looking for an update or specialized knowledge to grow in your career? The MBA in Agribusiness is a great opportunity. Are you not sure if this course is for you? We’ve separated some information that can be decisive for this choice. Continue reading to learn more about the course and the MBA USP/Esalq.

First impressions

The MBA in Agribusiness USP/Esalq is a Lato sensu post-graduation course, linked to the University of São Paulo. This specialization lasts 18 months and is offered in the distance education modality. Until the beginning of 2020, the MBA in Agribusiness also had in-person classes in Piracicaba/SP and Cuiabá/MT (both in Brazil), but, by orientation of social distancing, they were turned into distance education as well.

To whom it is intended

The course is focused on professionals who work in the field or in related areas, such as those who work with the sales of machines, equipment and even software related to precision agriculture, for example. Professionals who work in financial systems, such as banking institutions and trading, can also benefit from the content of the course.


To register in the MBA in Agribusiness there is only one requirement: a diploma or certificate of completion of a higher education course. Besides that, it is not necessary, for example, any type of previous knowledge in the area.

“Many professionals start the course already inserted in Agribusiness, directly or indirectly, as entrepreneurs, farm managers, managers of food processing industries and the inputs sector (in the areas of defensives, fertilizers and seeds, for example), in addition to professionals who work with various types of agricultural funding”, explains Ricardo Harbs, who integrates the MBA coordination team in Agribusiness USP/Esalq.

“We also observe the presence of professionals who provide services to the agro-industrial chains, such as lawyers, teachers, accountants, consultants, among others.”

Updated Content

The sector of Agribusiness goes through constant transformations. Therefore, it is important that the content of an MBA in Agribusiness is updated with the latest information.

In the course from USP/Esalq, the main trends are widely discussed during classes, such as agriculture 4.0, connectivity and generation of data in real time, use of autonomous equipment, monitoring of machinery and agricultural equipment, incorporation of weather stations in machines such as sprayers, among other themes.

Curricular program

To begin the MBA in Agribusiness USP/Esalq with the right foot, the first classes are about Planning and they help both new students to build a general panorama about the theme and students who already have some basis to remember the main concepts.

The classes also cover content related to risk management, management of agro-industrial markets, inputs and services, governance practices and agro-industrial systems. Students will learn about accounting, costs, applied law, environmental management, applied macroeconomics, taxation, derivatives, statistics, Brazilian agricultural policy, rural insurance, international trade, cooperatives and logistics.

Marketing, negotiation, precision agriculture, biotechnology, meteorology, ethics, family succession and systemic analysis of agribusiness are also part of the course curriculum program. To finish, students need to research and present a Final Paper.

Online classes, live and in your language

Students of the MBA in Agribusiness can enjoy the flexibility that the USP/Esalq course offers. Online classes are live, with a lot of interaction between students and professors. They occur weekly on Wednesdays, from 7PM to 11PM (BRT – UTC-3).

However, this content remains recorded and students can watch at the time that is most convenient for them or review whatever they find interesting, until the end of the course.

Tests are also online and count as the student’s attendance in the course. They can be done within three weeks of the related class.

Oh! Both classes (live and recorded) and the tests are available in your language.

The future is now

Understanding the market and its changes is already a requirement for professionals. And having knowledge about the sector that grows the most in Brazil and in the world can be the differential you need in your career.

“The focus of the MBA on Agribusiness USP/Esalq is to understand the market, ways to mitigate risks and the marketing of products, for example, without ignoring the technical part”, says Harbs.

“In each of the modules of the course we can offer students detailed content and with the latest content in the sector, to graduate complete and ready professionals for the job market.”

If you have other questions, please contact us. We will be happy to help you with what you need!

Enroll in the MBA in Agribusiness USP/Esalq.


Ana Rízia Caldeira
Ana Rízia Caldeira
A good listener, I truly enjoy moments in which I can see the world and get to know things by the words from other people. Not surprisingly, I got into journalism. And besides bringing contents to Next, I use my abilities of ascertainment and listening to flirt with a mini career in hosting for the MBA USP/Esalq stories, in the segment Você no Camarim. When I’m not making myself busy by being the text and Instagram girl, I like to use my free time to read books, watch a good movie, decorate my house with crochet rugs, draw flowers and exploit my cooking skills. Quando não estou me ocupando em ser a garota dos textos e do Instagram, gosto de usar meu tempo para devorar livros, acompanhar algum bom filme, enfeitar minha casa com tapetes de crochê, desenhar flores e abusar dos meus dotes na cozinha.