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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Include distance education courses in your life plan

It’s possible to balance a new great certification with your troubled routine. The distance education courses with live and online classes are great options for those who need qualification, but can’t get break away from their calendars at the same time.

In the MBA USP/Esalq, for example, classes can be attended both in real time, with simultaneous transmission and subtitles, or at any other time, one that works better for you, since they are recorded and available for access.

Anyone who doesn’t already know this modality, or even those who have doubts, can look at the relationships we are building in recent years and the way technology assists us, providing more comfort and practicality when performing activities done automatically and in the same way for many years.

Knowledge previously restricted to classrooms, entered student’s homes to be part of the daily life and facilitate the educational planning. The distance education courses increased the physical distance between professors and students, but enabled the construction of information in a more integrated way and with fewer barriers.

And this is just one of the advantages of this modality.


With possibilities ranging from undergraduate degree, to post-graduate options and to quick classes, the distance education courses offer several positive points to students.

  • Value: the prices of courses are usually cheaper, since they do not demand structure to physically accommodate large amounts of people;
  • Autonomy: Students can decide, for example, whether they prefer to attend the classes before or read the material;
  • Flexibility: it is also at the discretion of students the time organization to follow the classes. Thus it is easier to balance work commitments and moments of leisure with family and friends;
  • Methodology: the materials available are more instructive and assertive, in addition to more diverse
  • Interactivity: it is possible to connect with professors and other students, in addition to technical support;
  • Comfort: to attend the classes wherever and with whatever clothes you want.

In addition to all this, it is important to keep in mind that, in Brazil, the MEC (Ministry of Education) supervises the distance education courses with the same rigor and criteria than the classroom courses.


Proof that the distance courses work very well for those interested in post-graduation are the MBAs USP/Esalq. The certification has all the quality of the University of São Paulo (USP), a reference in Brazil and internationally recognized, in addition to having accreditation and regularization from MEC.

Classes for those who watch live still count on mediation performed by the monitor of the class, who organizes the questions and keeps in touch with the students throughout the class, which occurs weekly.

Soft skills

It is also worth looking for distance courses that go beyond the certification. Today, the job market requires a series of social and emotional abilities, called soft skills or transferable skills, which demand a professional who can apply the technique combined with qualities such as time management, creativity, teamwork, self-confidence among others.

Learn more about distance courses with the MBA USP/Esalq!


Marina Petrocelli
Marina Petrocelli
Over 12 years have passed since my first experience with Social Communication. My first professional years were dedicated to the routines of redactions with no or little digital relevance. Plural journalism was resumed in investigating facts, write a piece and guarantee an expressive picture. The first sign of change came with the proposal of changing realities and experimenting a different way of producing. From then on, the specificities of the marketing universe became permanent. Oh! I’ve also graduated in Law School (passing the bar exam and all). But not everything is comprised tom y professional skills. As a content producer, I’m interested in good stories, from real people or series, movies and books, specially dystopias. I like to draw up travel plans and identify stars and constellations on a cell phone app. Museums, music and art in general grab my attention, as well as pop culture. O primeiro sinal de mudança veio com a proposta para mudar de realidade e experimentar um formato diferente de produzir. Daí pra frente, as particularidades do universo do marketing se tornaram permanentes. Ah! Também me formei em Direito (com inscrição na OAB e tudo). Mas nem tudo se resume às minhas habilidades profissionais. Como produtora de conteúdo, me interesso por boas histórias, de pessoas reais ou em séries, filmes e livros, especialmente distopias. Gosto de montar roteiros de viagens e reconhecer estrelas e constelações em um aplicativo no celular. Museus, música e arte no geral chamam minha atenção, assim como cultura pop.