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MBA USP/Esalq and technology go together, and you can join, too

May the truth be told: when the subject is development, those who do not walk side by side with the technological advances are left behind. This is why the MBA USP/Esalq and technology are practically synonyms. Want to see it?

What other institution offers live content, updated, taught by true experts and renowned professionals, and that promotes the best classes and contents? Yes, just like the MBA USP/Esalq and technology go together, you can walk side by side with the global trends that the market is living today. But only if you register and become part of our community. Enjoy!

Read more: Are the MBA USP/Esalq classes subtitled? Get to know our technology

MBA USP/Esalq and technology. How is this possible?

In a simple way, this relationship is only possible because the MBA USP/Esalq is a pioneer institution in its essence. Although the pandemic has accelerated the market and the performance and application of digital resources has been forced in all simultaneously, the positioning of the institution was always “one step ahead”.

Therefore, the MBA USP/Esalq has been acting with online classes for more than 10 years, currently having a 100% digital model, with live classes and that promote flexibility to the students who want (or need) to watch the contents in other moments and in different places.

Read more: What do you know about virtual reality and augmented reality?


When we talk about logistical resources, the MBA USP/Esalq is also inevitably highlighted. After all, this entire process of classes, tests, lectures and dynamics that occur in our classes are only possible thanks to MBX, the application used by the USP/Esalq community.

In it the students find everything they need to develop, ask questions and do networking.

The App MBX is one of the resources that make the MBA USP/Esalq so connected to technology.

What about the content?

This is definitely one of the strengths. As you read above, the contents of the classes of the MBA USP/Esalq are fully updated. This means that you will study subjects that you weren’t even aware of until last week, and you will learn directly from expert professors from USP.

This is why the MBA USP/Esalq and technology go so well together, because every class that is taught carries rich and updated content with what the market requires from professionals. Want an example?

Read more: 5 reasons to study at the MBA USP/Esalq and start right away!

MBA USP/Esalq in the NRF

Do you know the NRF? The National Retail Federation, the largest Retail fair on a global scale, is an annual event that always happens in the month of January and brings everything that is state-of-art and related to technology and innovation in the retail market.

Through the global reach that the event has, added to the contents addressed in the lectures and presentations, the MBA USP/Esalq participated in a face-to-face way bringing important contents for the students and the USP/Esalq community, which can follow social networks and learn in class with professors (plus, some of these professors also have been in the event).

To prove that the MBA USP/Esalq is a reference in update, you can follow our social networks and read along the published content.

All these arguments to prove the connection between the MBA USP/Esalq and technology. It is because of these resources and the way in which the classes are conducted that the institution built such relevance. You can be part of this and carry an USP certification with you for the rest of your life, but everything depends on a single step, and it can be done today. Enroll now!

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Acacio Junior
Acacio Junior
Husband, Christian, in love with life and good friendships. A long journey until here made possible my integration on the Communication world, and now I venture into production of written contents and, honestly, I could not be happier. Currently, I found myself in the scripts and the daily learnings in a world full of stories I hope to discover.