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6 advantages that set the MBA USP/Esalq apart

Choosing a post-graduation can be all that and a bag of chips. That’s why we try and help you keep an eye out for some differentials that are important when making this decision. Now, we want to talk to you a little about the advantages that set the MBA USP/Esalq apart in the educational market.

It’s all online!

The courses offered by the MBA USP/Esalq are in the distance education modality. This means that all classes are online, through an academic system, as well as the tests. Without the need to be in the classroom in person, students have more freedom to attend the classes from wherever they are.

The big change of 2020 was regarding the last test of the course, which was done in person, along with the presentation of the final paper. With the social distancing guidelines, these two activities also became 100% online.

Since it is already inserted in the digital universe, the MBA USP/Esalq managed to make this small adaptation without compromising the quality and with all the security necessary for the final test and the presentations.

Classes recorded live

You got that the classes are online, right? But what if we tell you that they are live and recorded? If you can’t watch the live class or simply want to review it, take advantage of what sets the MBA USP/Esalq apart.

The live classes ensure that students receive the best and most updated content provided by the professors. Discussion in real time helps to contextualize the subject with what is happening in the world at that exact minute.

And all this is still available for access until the end of the course. Students can watch and review whenever they want, anytime and anywhere.

Course-mother / Corse-father

One of the great advantages that set the MBA USP/Esalq apart is humanized and customized care. Each request is received by the course-mother or course-father of each course, who tries and solves the situations in an individualized way.

This care facilitates the contact of students from the beginning of their journey (while they are still thinking about signing up) until after the end of the course, and guarantees solutions with less bureaucracy and with a higher rate of assertiveness.

MyClass and Move

Providing an enriching journey both in the technical and applicable parts of knowledge and in relation to networking and development of soft skills is also part of the advantages that set the MBA USP/Esalq apart.

So, students rely on MyClass, the exclusive social network for those who do the MBA USP/Esalq. From there it is possible to know how to interact with classmates to enjoy 100% of the post-graduation experience.

Move, on the other hand, is the mobile app of the MBA USP/Esalq. With their login and password in hand, students find previous classes, live classes, calendar and MyClass.

Interaction with professors also occurs during the live classes: all students can send questions in the academic system chat. These questions are selected by a monitor that will send some to be answered in real time, while others the professor will answer later and  make them available alongside the material of the class.

USP Certificate

The final certificate of the course is the official (and final) document dispatched to prove the conclusion of any specialization course.

In the case of the MBAs USP/Esalq, it is provided for students who meet all the requirements for approval and is issued by the University of São Paulo (USP), as well as all other certificates of the institution are, whether they are in person or distance education.

USP professors and market professionals

Years of tradition have stablished USP as a renowned educational institution nationally and internationally. The link of the MBAs USP/Esalq with the university allows the for qualified faculty that is synonym of quality.

In addition, our body of professors is composed by the best professionals in the market, enabling the perfect integration between theory and practice.

Did you know the advantages that set the MBA USP/Esalq apart before? Learn more about the courses!


Marina Petrocelli
Marina Petrocelli
Over 12 years have passed since my first experience with Social Communication. My first professional years were dedicated to the routines of redactions with no or little digital relevance. Plural journalism was resumed in investigating facts, write a piece and guarantee an expressive picture. The first sign of change came with the proposal of changing realities and experimenting a different way of producing. From then on, the specificities of the marketing universe became permanent. Oh! I’ve also graduated in Law School (passing the bar exam and all). But not everything is comprised tom y professional skills. As a content producer, I’m interested in good stories, from real people or series, movies and books, specially dystopias. I like to draw up travel plans and identify stars and constellations on a cell phone app. Museums, music and art in general grab my attention, as well as pop culture. O primeiro sinal de mudança veio com a proposta para mudar de realidade e experimentar um formato diferente de produzir. Daí pra frente, as particularidades do universo do marketing se tornaram permanentes. Ah! Também me formei em Direito (com inscrição na OAB e tudo). Mas nem tudo se resume às minhas habilidades profissionais. Como produtora de conteúdo, me interesso por boas histórias, de pessoas reais ou em séries, filmes e livros, especialmente distopias. Gosto de montar roteiros de viagens e reconhecer estrelas e constelações em um aplicativo no celular. Museus, música e arte no geral chamam minha atenção, assim como cultura pop.