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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Data engineering for today: what do you know?

In a scenario in which the amount of data grows more and more and new models and innovative tools of Data Science do not stop arising, knowing how to take advantage of all this in the best way is just one of the challenges of those who want to learn data engineering for today. The area, which is high in the market, lacks qualified professionals and people who really understand data.

One thing is certain: for companies or professionals, data engineering is fundamental to stay relevant and competitive in the market. This is because this area works in conjunction with Data Science & Analytics, taking care of the data that will be used by data scientists, and it is a fundamental part of the analysis process.

Do you know the main attributes of data engineers? Do you know what their relevance for the future? Then you will like to read this article of Jeronymo Marcondes, professor of the MBA USP/Esalq in Data Science and Analytics, which helps us understand the theme better. Come see!

Read more: Data engineering in your resume? Start with an MBA!

Contextualizing the scenario

It is important to understand that data engineering is as important as Data Science & Analytics, since both aim at improving and using data for analyses and other purposes.

An example of this is happening right now, with the pandemic crisis. According to the professor, “the pandemic of Covid-19 was a great example of the importance of data engineering for everyone. Many people went to work remotely, which generated the need for the data used by companies to be available remotely too.”

Marcondes continues: “How to ensure efficient databases for data scientists? How to ensure that the data to be used by employees and applications maintain its efficiency in consultation? Despite the indispensable role of Information Technology infrastructure professionals, the role of the data engineer was and remains fundamental at this moment.”

And it doesn’t end there. The pandemic made data science projects more urgent and, for companies, tools such as Artificial Intelligence were the solution for situations such as the ones mentioned above.

Read more: Data engineering: why is it so important in Data Science projects?

The roles of the data engineer

If, even with the pandemic, data engineering has been present these days, then what are the main roles of these professionals? Marcondes exemplifies and goes in detail about some of them.

“The daily life of the data engineer is based on following ETL processes (extract, transform, load), or generate new pipelines and load processes”, explains the professor.

The ETL process is one of the fundamental roles of the data engineering professional for today, because it works with the extraction of raw data, which should be transformed into intelligible data and loaded in its own system for future analyses.
The ETL process is one of the fundamental roles of the data engineering professional for today, because it works with the extraction of raw data, which should be transformed into intelligible data and loaded in its own system for future analyses.

The ETL process is one of the fundamental roles of the data engineering professional for today, because it works with the extraction of raw data, which should be transformed into intelligible data and loaded in a system proper for future analyses.

For Marcondes, there are situations in which data engineers end up acting in other related areas. “Often the data engineer also ends up accumulating the roles of DBA (database administrator), taking care of the entire structure of databases of the company.”

“Besides, this work always generates a constant search for process optimization and incorporation of new technologies, with a view to ensuring greater efficiency in data processes”, ends the professor.

Did you like to know more about the subject? In the MBA USP/Esalq in Data Science and Analytics you are updated on current content like this and also interact with professionals from various places, sharing knowledge and learning with everyone. Enroll right now!

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Acacio Junior
Acacio Junior
Husband, Christian, in love with life and good friendships. A long journey until here made possible my integration on the Communication world, and now I venture into production of written contents and, honestly, I could not be happier. Currently, I found myself in the scripts and the daily learnings in a world full of stories I hope to discover.