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Final Paper of the MBA USP/Esalq: see the step by step and get ready!

If you think the presentation of the final paper of the graduation is some kind of rocket science, know that the final paper for the MBA USP/Esalq is different.

Of course, there are rules, but the final paper of the MBA USP/Esalq has its own normative standard, which, among many objectives, aims to reduce the fear caused by the complexity and rigidity of the rules of formatting the written work.

This standard was created to allow the authors a more objective writing, focused on an applicable research project.

Since this theme creates a lot of curiosity among the students, we talked to Renato da Silva Barbosa, an analyst of the MBA USP/Esalq’s Final Paper Advisoring team, to explain the main steps of the project, what each one should entail and what are the main rules of formatting. Check it out!

Basic Features

Notebook aberto em cima de uma mesa ao lado de um cadenor de anotações quadriculado.
Each section is equivalent to a chapter of the Final Paper of the MBA USP/Esalq, essential for the understanding of the whole.

According to Barbosa, the Final Paper of the MBA USP/Esalq should have a relevant theme to the content of the course in which the student (who is the author of the paper) is enrolled. The work should also have an applied character, so that it cannot be just a literature review, and it should be developed individually by the student, with the support of an advisoring professor.

The writing of the project should contain seven mandatory sections (detailed in the next topic), in order:

  • Title Page
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Material and Methods
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusion (or Final Considerations)
  • References

This rule applies to all courses, except the MBA in Project Management, in which the Abstract is replaced by an Executive Summary.

Another standard presented by Barbosa is the limit size of the project, which should not exceed 30 pages, including appendices and attachments. The project can be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English and passages with pronouns and conjugations in the first person of the singular or plural are not allowed.

Mandatory sections

Title page: It is the first page of the Final Paper and should contain the title of the work in the chosen language for its writing, which should not exceed 15 words. Then, the physical and electronic addresses of the student author should be included, followed by the addresses of the advisor professor.

Abstract: It should come on the page following the Title page. The title should be presented again, followed by a paragraph of up to 250 words that presents the theme addressed in the work, the objective, main methodologies used and achieved results. After the abstract, there should be from three to five keywords, distinct from the ones that were used in the title of the Final paper.

Introduction: This section aims to present the theoretical framework used for the performance of the work. It is important that the reference used is current and from relevant authors within the area studied. The chapter should not exceed two pages and images or table charts are not allowed. In the last paragraph, the objective of the work should be clarified.

Material and Methods: It represents the “recipe of the cake” of what was performed in the work. Usually, it is information such as the site and period of the research, tools used, participants involved (without mention of personal information) and the methods used in the collection and analysis of the data. It is important that, with the information described in this section, the reader is able to replicate this same research.

Results and Discussion: In this chapter, it is presented the thesis defended through the data collected and analyzed in the previous section. It is common that the results are presented in forms of graphics and tables, depending on the type of methodology used. Whenever a result is presented, it is interesting to support it by similar studies already performed in the same area of study.

Conclusion or Final Considerations: It is the closure of the work. The section should be written briefly, preferably in a single paragraph, presenting the answer to the objective of the work, that is, the validation of the main problem raised throughout the Final paper.

References: It is the presentation of the studies and authors cited in the writing of the project. They should be presented in alphabetical order and each type of consulted material (article, book, decrees, among others) should be presented according to the standards of the elaboration of the Final paper.

The importance of the Final Paper

Hand pointing to a laptop's screen while another person's hand uses the touchpad.
The development of the Final Paper of the MBA USP/Esalq brings several benefits to the student author, in several areas of life.

According to Barbosa, the development of the project is very important for the formation of the students. “The Final Paper of the MBA USP/Esalq has a practical character that allows our students to use the tools and teachings that are presented during the academic journey”, he explains.

The analyst says that these tools often help in the resolution of problems of the daily life of the students, both in the professional scope (within the organizations) and in the personal scope (new business and planning of personal projects).

Did you enjoy learming more about the methodology behind the Final Paper of the MBA USP/Esalq? The complete manual of standards for the elaboration of the final paper is available in the students’ Academic System, when the project starts. Learn about the courses of the MBA USP/Esalq and benefit from all the advantages!


Caio Roberto
Caio Roberto
Jornalista e amante de história, línguas estrangeiras, cinema, literatura e videogames. Utilizo minha curiosidade natural e minha facilidade de me comunicar para descobrir mais sobre o mundo e tentar passar isso adiante. Acredito que nasci para contar histórias, independente da história, da mídia em que ela será contada e do meu papel nela.