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How to make my business work without me?

If you had to stay away from your business today, would it be able to keep going? Whatever the answer, it is important to know that this situation can happen. In the case of a management focused only on members and managers, the employees are hardly able to keep the order and assume responsibilities in the lack of one of them.

Before you worry about this possibility and the challenges that will come with it, it is necessary to create mechanisms to ensure the functioning of businesses even when the owners are not around.

You don’t have this role, but want the management to be aware of the importance of the subject? This text can also help you. Check out the steps to change the management of the company and ensure its existence in any situation.

Organizational diagnosis

Did you know that, currently, one of the main management challenges is more focused on the leadership than on the employees? When owners and managers of companies always have an input in the decisions, the culture of leaders and distribution of authority is not disseminated.

Therefore, the priority, before any plan to change, is to perfectly understand how the team is structured, in the case of leaders, or teams, in the case of managers and partners. The recommendation is for this stage be made with the help of a mentor, consultant or professional from outside the company, which will provide a neutral and sincere diagnosis.

This person will participate in all corporate events, from meetings with teams and clients to meetings for training and development of employees. The manager and owner of the business needs to be encouraged to get out of the comfort zone, the position of boss guiding their subordinates, and observe more.

In case of withdrawal from the responsible people, there may be a break on the regular progress of the work, because there are no “substitutes” that can make important decisions without consulting the management of the business.

Therefore, from now on, it’s important to breakdown the following belief: Without me, nothing goes on. If I’m not looking, it won’t happen. On the other hand, leaders and employees without decision making power should make an effort to start thinking more and more autonomously.

Change through different views

It takes time for entrepreneurs to recognize the need to get out of the front line that runs the organization. But what helps in the process is to realize that there are successful models in other organizations that are different from yours.

The changing point occurs when business management is no longer done by only a few hands. If the company is composed of many people, each one needs to understand their action role at the decision-making moment.

Reviewing the entire structure of the team, reevaluating the performance and contribution of each one to the business, through a map of potential versus performance, will show who is willing to go beyond.

This evaluation can be done based on achieved goals and performance indicators, and no longer on issues of affinity, personal relationship, friendship or employment time. This X-ray also reveals who are the employees prepared to be part of the company’s leaders.

Who makes the decision?

The mapping of the main leaders is fundamental to the next step. In some cases, it reveals that there is, in fact, an employee prepared to take on a greater leadership role. And then the work lays in training them, communicating to the team and planning the succession.

However, most of the time, the mapping shows that no one is prepared to take on a management role or answer for the board and presidency. Naturally, in more centralized management companies, professionals are usually executors and are not trained to make decisions that help the company reach new heights.

At this moment, the work of those who do the current management is to find someone in the market able to take on this challenge. But, with an observation: this will only work if partners are really committed to the change. Otherwise, this person will not be seen as legitimate within the organization.

New leaders

Don’t you know where to start or how to take this issue forward? How about thinking first about the areas that are essential to the work of the business? Most often than not, they are Operations, Finances and Human Resources.

This tripod needs to have managers and leaders who can take responsibility and take part in decisions in the lack of major executives. In the recruitment of new people, the company’s DNA and its culture need to be explained and identified in the candidates who will assume these functions.

When the company already has managers for the areas, it is up to the management to perform trainings for the new phase that the company will live. In addition, it is important to bring them together to reinforce the role they have in the organization.

It is worth reminding that the professional ttraining of the organization goes from the bottom-up, and, at the same time, from top to bottom.


The easiest way to see that management is flowing better is by the engagement of the team and its abilities of autonomy in the lack of partners and presidents of the company.

Another indicator is the turnover, which naturally shows who is changing alongside new leaders and who needs to look for other paths.

Finally, the business that is full of autonomous leaders has more indicators of results: increased sales, expansion of business and a good relationship with the public – from advisers to customers. After all, all changes are made so that these numbers continue to grow.

After conducting this process, when everything seems to be on the tracks, it is easier to achieve the greater goal, which is the creation of a company with competence to gain speed and keep growing, even if you are not around the whole time.

And if you need a reinforcement on business management, be aware that our MBA is prepared to offer you this competence!


Ana Rízia Caldeira
Ana Rízia Caldeira
A good listener, I truly enjoy moments in which I can see the world and get to know things by the words from other people. Not surprisingly, I got into journalism. And besides bringing contents to Next, I use my abilities of ascertainment and listening to flirt with a mini career in hosting for the MBA USP/Esalq stories, in the segment Você no Camarim. When I’m not making myself busy by being the text and Instagram girl, I like to use my free time to read books, watch a good movie, decorate my house with crochet rugs, draw flowers and exploit my cooking skills. Quando não estou me ocupando em ser a garota dos textos e do Instagram, gosto de usar meu tempo para devorar livros, acompanhar algum bom filme, enfeitar minha casa com tapetes de crochê, desenhar flores e abusar dos meus dotes na cozinha.